The Rules

Reading Out Loud!

Before placing a card, players MUST ALWAYS read its content out loud. If a player places a card (whether it's a name or meaning card) without reading it aloud first, that card is considered forfeited. It must be returned and shuffled back to its respective deck. Their turn then ends, and it passes to the next player. Additionally, you won't be able to draw a replacement card for the card you lost, resulting in you having fewer cards for subsequent turns.  

Forgetting to Read Aloud

If players repeatedly forget to read their cards aloud, they must forfeit a card every time they forget. Accumulating enough of these oversights could lead to a player losing all their cards. If a player loses all their cards due to not adhering to the 'read aloud' rule, they are eliminated from the game. Therefore, always remember to read your card aloud before playing it.

Making Matches

Before claiming a match, you must announce it clearly. Read both the name and its meaning out loud for everyone to hear. If you claim a match without doing this, the cards you tried to match must be returned and shuffled to their respective decks. Furthermore, you won't be allowed to draw additional cards to replace the ones you lost, so always ensure to announce the match aloud before claiming it. 

Using the Any-Matcher

Keep in mind that using the 'Any-Matcher' card doesn't count as an official match that would allow you to continue your turn. Therefore, after playing the 'Any-Matcher' card, your turn will come to an end. 

Having A Match in your Hand

If you happen to have both a name card and its corresponding meaning card in your hand, you can still only play one of these cards at a time. This means you cannot play both the name and meaning card together in the same turn. Instead, you'll need to wait for your next turn to play the matching card and claim the match. 

Trying to Match when it's not your turn

Players can only claim any of the cards in the middle when it’s their turn. If a player tries to make a claim when it’s not their turn, they will forfeit their turn when its their go, so their turn will get skipped and the game will go around before its their go again, so pay attention to when it’s your turn!

Picking up cards

After completing their turn, players must remember to pick up replacement cards from the corresponding deck. The number of cards you draw should match the number of cards you played during your turn. This replenishes your hand for future plays. 

Forgetting to Pick up

If a player forgets to draw new cards as replacements after their turn, they lose the opportunity to do so. Missing this crucial step means they will have fewer cards in hand compared to other players. Additionally, if a player runs out of cards, they are out of the game and their final score is based on the number of matches they have made up to that point. 

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