Do We Really Know Allah?

Do We Really Know Allah?

How often do we ask ourselves, “Do we really know Allah ﷻ”? 

"Whoever doesn’t know Allah, hasn’t really worshipped him. 
How can an individual worship a Lord, a God while not knowing anything about Him? 
This is from the most difficult of matters. Rather, it is burdening him with something he is not capable of doing. 
Imagine it is said to you: Pray, fast, prostrate, love, fear, hope from One Whom you know nothing about. Is this possible? No, it is not. 
Due to this, Allah was so kind as to present Himself by way of what He revealed from this Magnificent Book and by way of what He revealed to His Noble Prophet ﷺ.
-Shaykh Saleh Sindi 

As the first pillar of Islam and a fundamental principle of Tawhid, believing in Allah and understanding His names and attributes go hand in hand. It is by learning and reflecting upon His names that we are able to identify how we should believe in Allah and how we think of Him. 

In order to improve our relationship with Allah, to fulfil his commandments and follow His guidance we must be able to truly reflect upon Who Allah is. Learning Allah’s Names and Attributes from the Noble Qur’an and the Sunnah is one of the best acts of worship that brings us nearer to Allah. It allows us to understand his attributes and reminds us of why He is Our Lord. It also helps us to glorify, praise and call upon Allah by His Names and Attributes.  

“And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong To Allah, so call on Him by them”. 

Al Qur’an 7:180 

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